We provide you with a free product - you publish a post with your opinion!
Malta List of cities
Gender women and men
Promo period March 2017-April 2017
Age 0-0 years old


Brush your teeth like your dentist recommends.

Buzzaar is looking for agents for a new and unique campaign,
which will take the way you brush your teeth to a completely
new level. The Oral-B Genius toothbrush connects to your Smartphone (Apple or Android) and with its Position Detection technology, helps you adjust your brushing routine, so that you
never miss a zone. It’s a Power Toothbrush that’s so intuitive,
and so technologically advanced, that it can actually help you
clean your teeth just ‘like your dentist recommends’.

If you and your family members are highly involved in your oral
care routine, this is the chance of a lifetime. Selected agents will
get a unique Oral-B Genius toothbrush for free, in return for
sharing their honest views about the product on the internet.

Submit your application by clicking on the button below, whilst
inviting your family and friends to participate.

Hurry, send your request as soon as possible. There is a limited amount of Genius Toothbrushes that will be distributed.

For more info about the Oral-B Genius, click here